
To install the stable version:

npm install fp-ts fp-ts-iterators

fp-ts is a peer dependency. Make sure to always have a single version of fp-ts installed in your project. Multiple versions are known to cause tsc to hang during compilation. You can check the versions currently installed using npm ls fp-ts (make sure there’s a single version and all the others are marked as deduped).

Iterable with fp-ts

AsyncIterable with fp-ts


All Iterables are lazy and to make them “run” they have to be pulled. For example you can use:

import { AsyncIterable as AI } from "fp-ts-iterators";
import { pipe } from "fp-ts/function";

const task = pipe(AI.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4]), AI.toArraySeq());
const values = await task(); // [1, 2, 3, 4]